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What is Lent?


40 days beginning Ash Wednesday and concluding Easter Sunday

A Time of Observance and Preparation to celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus

Marked by Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

Fast Instructions:



Choose an area of sacrifice to fast from.  

Meats (red meats & pork)




8pm-8am complete fast with water 


Every Friday:

In addition to your chosen area of fasting, we will all fast from meats on Friday.  You are allowed Fish.



Free Day


Prayer: Mon thru Fri 6am on our call line

605-562-0400 |pin 772-5496


Bible Readings: Read with us everyday.  You can find todays scripture on our Lent Bible Readings link.


Almsgiving: Sow a LENT seed.  Join us in giving a special

offering of $40 during this season of LENT.


Be a blessing. Give to someone in need - especially to someone who may not be able to give back. Perhaps buy someone's coffee or lunch, pay for someone's gas.


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